4 Simple Ways to Live More Sustainably this Week

Are you looking for some easy, sustainable swaps that work for your busy life? Here are four ideas you can try out this week!

  1. Swap out your toothpaste tube and go plastic free with toothpaste bits!

    Using toothpaste bits cuts down significantly on plastic waste. This is done not only by eliminating your tube—companies such as @bite use compostable packaging as well, so it’s an all around sustainable purchase. Bite also ships their orders straight to your home using existing postal routes in order to cut down on carbon emissions.

    AND (bonus) they’re made with clean ingredients, which is both good for the planet and your health.

    You just bite down and start brushing and they foam up like regular toothpaste. Let me know if you try toothpaste bits during your own sustainability journey!


2. Commit to packing your lunch at least three days a week. One of the biggest environmental benefits of bringing your own lunch is the amount of plastic cutlery that’s saved.

Tens of billions of pieces of plastic cutlery end up in landfills and waterways every year, so bringing your own can cut down on this waste significantly.

And, of course, packing your own lunch is more cost effective, usually much healthier, and the amount of time you take to prep for the week is saved in driving time during your lunch break (also reducing on carbon emissions)


3. Reuse leftover water from cooking to water your plants!

Did you know the average person wastes over 20 gallons of water every day?

Next time you go to pour water down your drain—whether it be to clear a drinking glass from the table or drain your pasta—try giving it to your plants instead—but make sure it doesn’t have any salt added to it!


4. It’s not always possible to avoid plastic packaging, especially when you’re on the go with a toddler BUT you can reuse the packaging as a snack bag—especially since many of them zip close, eliminating the need to by ziplocs to have on hand!

You can also try reusing food jars as smoothie containers to easily transport.

Each time you prep your smoothie at home you’re reducing waste from plastic cups & straws, and saving money

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