DIY Beeswax Wraps
I have been meaning to try these for so long so I have an alternative to searching for matching tupperware, and finally got a chance to make them! Here is the easy process:
-Fabric (cotton is recommended)
-Beeswax (I used pellets)
-Pine Resin
-Olive oil (you can also use jojoba oil or coconut oil, but I just used what I had)
-Mason jar
-Cookie sheet
1. Fill a large pan with water. It should be deep enough so when you set your mixture in the mason jar in it, the water line is above the ingredients in the jar
2. Let the water boil
3. Put equal parts beeswax and pine resin in your mason jar and top it off with a splash of olive oil. There are exact measurements you can use, which you can find online, but I didn’t have a scale to measure the weight of my ingredients so I just did my own mixture and it worked.
4. While the ingredients are melting, you can cut your fabric pieces. I did one large piece 13” x 13”; one medium piece 10 x 13; and a smaller piece 7 x 8.5 (all in inches).
5. Lay the fabric on a cookie sheet or similar pan over a piece of tinfoil or wax paper. Meanwhile, you should be stirring your mixture in the mason jar occasionally. Preheat your oven to 300 degrees.
6. Once it is melted, pour the mixture over ONE piece of fabric (if you try to do all 3 at once, the first fabric you pour onto will start to harden before you spread it) and set the jar back in the boiling water so it stays melted. Spread it out on the fabric. I used a paintbrush, but you can really use anything similar. When you put it in the oven, it will even out.
7. Put the cookie sheet in the oven for 3 minutes, take it out, and flip it over. Put it back in for another 3 minutes. Do the same with all 3 pieces of fabric.
8. As soon as they come out of the oven, hang them up. You can even do a makeshift clothesline with yarn.
9. Leave them out to dry overnight and then they’re ready! It may seem like a lot of work, but it becomes second nature after you do a few pieces.
Here are some helpful tips I learned along the way:
-Next time I make these wraps, I will leave the mason jar in the water and find something to scoop out the mixture instead of pouring it straight on the fabric. Sometimes it would pour out too fast and glob up on the fabric.
-Take the fabric off the pan right away and hang it up, otherwise it will harden and stick to whatever you have it on.
-Wash your wraps with soap and water just like you would wash your dishes and hang to dry.
That’s it! If you try this, make sure to hashtag #noblelivingpursuit with your results!