Make your own almond milk

  1. Soak the almonds overnight by putting them in a container and putting enough water in to cover the almonds with an additional inch or two on top.


2. The next day, put them in a blender with water. I usually hold my hand over the almonds and tip the container to drain any leftover water out and add fresh water to the blender. I normally put equal parts almonds and water because it make it a little thicker and I use mine for my coffee. You can play around with different amounts of water to see what works for you and what you use it for.


3. Finally, over a bowl or wide-mouthed container or jar, pour the mixture through a specialty cloth or just a thin kitchen towel.


What’s left in the cloth after the straining is almond meal so I baked it at low temp and I’ve been adding it to my daughter’s yogurt to make it more filling

You can also add flavoring like vanilla to the almond milk, but I thought it tasted good enough as is so I skipped that part.


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